
DNSSEC with named

Faster entropy

after haveged is installed /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail should return something above 1000.

yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y rng-tools haveged
systemctl enable haveged.service
systemctl start haveged.service
systemctl status haveged.service
cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
cat /dev/random | rngtest -c 1000

Source: NixCraft


PfSense does not boot without a monitor because of serial ports

Shuttle DS77u, DS67u and DS57u has problem booting without a monitor then upgrading from PfSense 2.3 to 2.4. These devices ran Legacy bios and not UEFI (UEFI is a new feature in PfSense 2.4) but never booted if the sceen was disconnected at power on, and never initialized the screen if plugged in after power on. This was because the serial ports were enabled in bios.

Bleupomme on PfSense Forum had the answer.

This just happened to me too on a shuttle XPC:
– Updated the BIOS, but this did not solve the problem
– Brute forced BIOS settings
-> by disabling the Serial ports the computer boots normally

Does pfsense 2.4 default to Serial and wait for some sort of connection when there is no monitor?



Heres some tips and trix for setting up an named server on CentOS 7.


Configure Postfix

This these guides configure your postfix so its forwards all local mails to an external server using authentication.

Linux Virtualization

Edit grub on a VM on headless KVM Host


I Recently updated my OP5 machine later after an reboot got the error message.  Important to know is that i run my VM (Virtual Machine) on a headless server so i have no more tools then to VNC to a VM and therefore its hard to get into grub at boot as the timeout was set to 5 seconds.

Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unit block(0,0)

GOP configuration with FFmpeg


You can use ffprobe to investigate the GOP configuration of a h264 videofile. Some formats require a certain GOP structure to work. In your GOP structure you got I-Frames,P-Frames and B-frames.

Network Unifi

Ubiquiti Unifi

Adding device in another subnet

If your controller is not in the same subnet as the device you want to add, you must use a computer in this subnet as a 3rd party.

  1. Install Ubiquiti Device Discovery Tool in Chrome
  2. Press the UNIFI FAMILY button in the right top corner to se UniFi devices in the network.
  3. Press ACTION on the device you want to add
  4. Change the Inform URL to match your controller url is http://yourcontroller:8080/inform. Username and password is for the device, default is ubnt/ubnt
  5. Go to you Unifi Controller, Access the first/top site, list devices and ADOPT your device.
  6. Return to Ubiquiti Device Discovery Tool press action and send another Set Inform while the controller is adopting. Your device should be provisioned

Your Device should now be provisioned

Factory Reset

Before reseting device, make sure you forget the device in the UniFi controller first.

To restore an UniFi product press and hold the reset button for five seconds. just pressing the reset button will restart the unit.

Network Storage

Howto setup NFSv4

Setup NFSv4 Server

Below is how the openMediaVault is configured, the interesting part is fsid=0, instead of connecting to /export/nextcloud as we do in NFSv3 we are going to connect directly to /nextcloud
[code language=”bash”]
GNU nano 2.2.6 File: /etc/exports
# This configuration file is auto-generated.
# NFSv4 – pseudo filesystem root

NFS server needs to be able to identify each filesystem that it exports. For NFSv4 server, there is a distinguished filesystem which is the root of all exported filesystem. This is specified with fsid=root or fsid=0 both of which mean exactly the same thing.

Debian / Ubuntu Linux: Setup NFSv4 File Server

Client setup

To connect with NFSv4 instead of NFSv3 we need to use nfs4 instead of nfs as a filesystem. As stated above, we omitt the /export/ part we usally use with NFSv3
[code language=”bash”]
GNU nano 2.2.6 File: /etc/fstab /host/nfs/nextcloud nfs4 rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr 0 0



NFS and iptables

If you are using NFSv4 (which is likely) you only need to open one port in your firewall port 2049/TCP. The examples below are done on an OpenMediaVault/Debian server to allow NFS access but nothing else from network and


Write performance ZFS

Quick test to measure write performance off two ZFS pools using Raid2z on Linux

Hardware for testbench